I'd seen screenshots of this elsewhere but didn't get where it had come from... this is absolutely fecking brilliant in so many ways.
I'd seen screenshots of this elsewhere but didn't get where it had come from... this is absolutely fecking brilliant in so many ways.
Not too bad.
I liked what was there, but it just kind of ended abruptly. >_< The sound wasn't fantatic either. But hey, it's better than stick figure movies. :D
Short and the joke's a bit cliché, but the graphics were nice anyway. :D
Been watching a lot of first submissions today. That probably warped my opinion.
I liked this 'cos... well... 'cos it's JAPAN!!1
Brilliant. I laughed. I'm not even a gigantic anime fan and got the gist of it.
Style totally compensates for everything that might be wrong with this.
Loved the sing-along bit.
(Might want to make the titles a bit shorter.)
p-p-p-photo. shop.
Okay. Okay. I'll admit your graphics aren't MS Paint behemoths, but they scream Photoshop.
Like, really loud.
Some of the sound was also off-cue-ish.
Um, yeah. It was pretty much just the graphics. Words of the wise: Photoshop effects amn't always yo' frien'.
This is actually pretty friggin' cool. The animation/storyline and everything was great. Especially liked the "where are they now?" bit at the end.
Graphics, graphics, graphics
Argh! This is a relatively cool little animation... everything is all right about it except that the animation's a bit choppy, and the graphics just look off in some places. I guess I shouldn't be expecting much, though, based on the way you put it together... :)
Joined on 5/28/05